*NEW RELEASE SPECIAL* Review of KINDLE Ebook Traitor to the Throne – Book 2 of the Rebel of the Sands series by Alwyn Hamilton


I fell in love with reckless, danger-loving Amani in Rebel of the Sands when I seemed to be the last person on the planet to have read this highly praised book, so would I enjoy the sequel?

traitortothethroneMere months ago, gunslinger Amani al’Hiza fled her dead-end hometown on the back of a mythical horse with the mysterious foreigner Jin, seeking only her own freedom. Now she’s fighting to liberate the entire desert nation of Miraji from a bloodthirsty sultan who slew his own father to capture the throne. Forget everything you thought you knew about Miraji, about the rebellion, about djinni and Jin and the Blue-Eyed Bandit. In Traitor to the Throne, the only certainty is that everything will change.

Firstly, a huge thank you to NetGalley. I requested this one more in hope than expectation and was thrilled when I was granted permission to read it – only to discover that I wasn’t able to download it. The techs at NetGalley were on it, unfailingly helpful and persistent until they sorted out the problem and Traitor to the Throne duly turned up on my trusty Kindle.

And I was even more grateful once I tucked into this gem, for as much as I relished the first book, I loved this one even more. Hamilton has a very nifty trick for those who haven’t had the pleasure of reading the first book – she gets Amani to recite a tale about her exploits to date at the start of the story. While I would highly recommend those of you who may not have read Rebel of the Sands to do so, if you pick up Traitor to the Throne first, I can guarantee you won’t be adrift. And the abbreviated blurb is spot on – everything does change in this next slice of the adventure.

For starters, the rebels are having a tough time of it. Life is hard and dangerous as they are unceasingly harried and their comrades continually foray forth on life or death assignments and all too often don’t return. Until it is Amani’s turn to volunteer – and she finds herself in more trouble than she knows what to do with and one of the biggest mistakes she made in escaping her town now rebounds on her.

Amani is put in a position where she is forced to consider the consequences of her actions and question if what the rebels are doing is right for the inhabitants of Miraji. I really loved this aspect of the story. Firstly, considering her situation, I thought it psychologically was spot on and I also liked the extra spin it put on the worldbuilding, when we get a ringside seat as to the motivations of the antagonist. It raised the stakes, winding this adrenaline-fuelled adventure up another notch.

I thought I could see how this was going to end – until Hamilton suddenly threw a massive spanner in the works and pulled yet another game-changing plot twist right at the end. Marvellous stuff. While ending that particular storyline satisfactorily, once more everything has been thrown up in the air – and I will be fretting for another slice of this wonderful world for the rest of the year.

While I obtained the arc of Traitor to the Throne from the publisher via NetGalley, this has in no way influenced my unbiased review.

16 responses »

  1. Another series I keep meaning to start. It sounds perfect for me and so many wonderful comments about them. Now you’re saying the second book is even better for you than the first. Got to get started on these!

    • Oh, it really is – and that’s not to say the first book isn’t a storming read, but she’s nuanced the situation SO cleverly in this one. I also love her writing style:)

  2. I;m so glad you enjoyed this book! As you know I’m reading the first book and am at a point where I’m having trouble reading more. I don’t want to read about Amani in danger, but I know things will probably be okay in the end.

    However, I have stuff in my real life right now that makes me not want the added stress of the “protagonist in danger.” Right now I’m searching for escapism, but I do want to finish the book so I’m going to plow ahead and get through these “troubles” right now, because I think I will end up really enjoying the book in the end! And it’s good to know you have enjoyed both books.

      • There’s a library in Flagstaff, but it’s at the other end of the town, so until I’m driving, a visit is not bound to happen. ;/

      • Ah… gosh – you must be very restricted not driving in the US. I didn’t think they walked all that much there. Or maybe that is just an impression one gets with movies?

      • Nope, you get the right impression. Especially with smaller towns. I also happen to live at the very edge of the town which is different from living somewhere in the middle and not being far from practically “everything”. 🙂

      • And that’s always a massive hassle… It took me 4 goes to learn to drive and I was in my 30s when I finally learnt…

      • It’s fun in a way, but the sad part it that I’m “old” (as: older than an average learning person) so I have the constant fear of hitting something or other cars getting in the way.

      • I do recall that – my children were still very young when I first passed my test and as a new driver I immediately had to drive around with both of them in the back seat. It meant I was a very careful driver!

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