Can’t-Wait Wednesday – 22nd May, 2024 #Brainfluffbookblog CWC #WOW


Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they’re books that have yet to be released. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine.

This week’s Can’t-Wait offering:

Hera by Jennifer Saint – release date 23rd May 2024

#Greek gods #feisty heroine #Greek myth retelling

BLURB: The enthralling tale of a powerful Greek goddess maligned in both myth and ancient history, as told by Sunday Times bestselling author Jennifer Saint.

When Hera, immortal goddess and daughter of the ancient Titan Cronos, helps her brother Zeus to overthrow their tyrannical father, she dreams of ruling at his side.

As they establish their reign on Mount Olympus, Hera suspects that Zeus might be just as ruthless and cruel as the father they betrayed.

She was always born to rule, but must she lose herself in perpetuating this cycle of violence and cruelty? Or can she find a way to forge a better world?

Often portrayed as the jealous wife or the wicked stepmother, this retelling captures the many sides of Hera, vengeful when she needs to be but also compassionate and mostly importantly, an all-powerful queen to the gods.
I absolutely love a powerful Greek myth retelling and over recent years, I’ve read some amazing stories that have really stayed with me. See my reviews of The Silence of the Girls, The Women of Troy by Pat Barker, The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller and then there’s David Hair and Cath Mayo’s fabulous Olympus trilogy –Athena’s Champion, Oracle’s War and Sacred Bride . The one I’m still working through is Claire North’s amazing Songs of Penelope – see my review of House of Odysseus. So when I saw this one, I couldn’t resist. Here’s hoping it is another compelling and memorable retelling to join the above.

12 responses »

  1. I don’t read many, if any now that I think about it, Greek retellings but I do hope you love this one!

    • I’m hoping this one will be of a similar quality to the books I’ve already read and reviewed. So far this sub-genre has been well above average in the quality of the writing and the depth of the characterisation.

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