Sunday Post – 22nd January 2017



Sunday PostThis is part of the weekly meme over at the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where book bloggers can share the books and blogs they have written.

Another busy week, though I think I begin to see daylight and hope that Life is beginning to calm down, somewhat. Last week-end we had the pleasure of the grandchildren visiting – it was a joy catching up with them as we hadn’t seen them since Christmas, which now seems a very long time ago. Then on Sunday afternoon after we delivered them back to their parents, we had to rush back and get the spare room ready for an impromptu visit by my son who had a couple of audition tapes that needed doing. So Monday and Tuesday we were working on those between my teaching commitments – it is always a pleasure but as we had a very narrow timescale, it was also quite intense. However, lovely to catch up with Robbie before he flies out to LA on Monday. Unfortunately, my Wednesday evening session with my writing group was wiped out by a headache that threatened to turn into a migraine, but at least I sufficiently recovered to have my marvellous friend Mhairi come over for the day on Thursday. Friday saw us collecting the children for another session of grannying and on Saturday we went out for a meal to celebrate my father’s birthday at the fabulous George and Dragon at Burpham, where the food was delicious and the welcome warm despite the frosty weather. They went to a great deal of trouble to accommodate Oscar’s veganism.

This week I have read:
Terminal Regression by Mallory Hill
terminalregressionLaura Baily’s life is meaningless. In a world where purpose and passion are everything, Laura feels as though she has no place and no business even existing. Her life is forfeit, and it would be better for everyone if she simply ended it, if she simply got a ticket for a train to oblivion and faded from memory.

But what awaits her at the end of the line isn’t death but Terminal B a community of people more like her than she considered possible, including the beautiful, tormented Will Noble. Though Laura still thinks little of her own life, the lives of others begin to fascinate her as never before. And when those lives become imperiled, Laura discovers the last thing she ever expected to find on her way out of the world: a mission and a reason to live.

This is a brave book that confronts the tricky issue of a suicidal protagonist suffering from severe depression. Despite that, it is full of drama and tension, producing a strong story set in a dystopian world demonstrating a lot of skill by this young author.


NETGALLEY PREVIEW of Empire Games – Book 1 of the Empire Games series by Charles Stross
empiregamesTwo nuclear superpowers are set on a collision course. Two increasingly desperate paratime espionage agencies are fumbling around in the dark, trying to find a solution to the first contact problem that doesn’t result in a nuclear holocaust. And two women—a mother and her long-lost, adopted daughter—are about to find themselves on opposite sides of the confrontation.

This latest offering by Stross is a spin-off series from his successful portal world Merchant Princes adventures. I haven’t read them all, but those I did read were powerful and engrossing, so I was thrilled when it seemed I’d acquired Empire Games via NetGalley. Only I hadn’t. What I got was a slice of the story. So I cannot fully review the book – only report that it started with plenty of drama and quickly established what is at stake.

My posts last week:
Sunday Post – 15th January 2017

NEW RELEASE SPECIAL Review of Martians Abroad by Carrie Vaughn

Teaser Tuesday featuring Terminal Regression by Mallory Hill

NEW RELEASE SPECIAL Review of Terminal Regression by Mallory Hill

2016 Discovery Challenge – How Did I Do?

Friday Faceoff – Slipped the surly bonds of earth… featuring Abaddon’s Gate – Book 3 of The Expanse series by James S.A. Corey

Review of A Symphony of Echoes – Book 2 of The Chronicles of St Mary’s by Jodi Taylor

Interesting/outstanding blogs and articles that have caught my attention during the last week, in no particular order:
from the ‘Hjordis, I Miss You’ series This intensely personal depiction brought tears to my eyes…

22 photos that will make you want to visit South America this winter Another pictorial series – this time the scenery will take your breath away…

The Best Canterbury Tales Everyone Should Read
Once more this marvellous, informative site comes up with a cracking list…

God 1 A wonderful poem by the talented Viv Tuffnell…

Inventing a Word For It – Can you guess which is the right definition for this word?

Many thanks for visiting and taking the time and trouble to comment – and may you have a wonderful reading and blogging week.

25 responses »

    • Thank you, Hayley. Yes… fortunately the headache didn’t bloom into a major migraine, but it was certainly unpleasant enough to stop me in my tracks. Yes, it’s been lovely having the family visiting, again:). Thank you for swinging by.

    • Yes, it has been rather hectic… which is probably why I had the headache! Terminal Regression has dealt with the subject of severe depression very well, I think.

  1. The family gatherings sound delightful….I always enjoy mine, too, and with some of my family, they are few and far between due to distance (Prague, for one).

    Even though Terminal Regression would not be my usual genre, it does sound tempting. Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog.

    • It’s always a pleaure visiting your blog, Laurel – it’s one of the prettiest:). And yes… I’m conscious I’m very lucky to have had such a close relationship with the grandchildren while they’ve been young.

  2. What another great week you’ve had – all that lovely family time and lots of good reading and blogging. It’s a bit chaotic sometimes fitting it all in isn’t it!
    Lynn 😀

  3. Your week was as busy, if not busier than mine. I did get a doctor’s visit in and got a clean bill of health and a blood test to see if I could benefit from B 12 shots. Either I’m getting older or something because I just don’t have the energy I used to. Maybe the kiddie class is sucking it out of me, or maybe I’ve had too long of a “break” between semesters. Even my husband confesses that he “hasn’t gotten his sea legs back yet.” Naps have helped. Ha!

    • You really have to be on your toes with the little ones, don’t you? It’s also not a good time of year for lots of energy with the long nights, short days and low temperatures, I find…

      • *blushes* Nope. It’s nothing to do with your computer skills – it’s me! I’ve evidently intended to write something else – probably a pearl of wisdom – but then got interrupted, probably by a small boy suffering with acute eczema… All I can say is – I’m very, very sorry:(.x

  4. I think you may have me talked into Terminal regression. I love the sound of it. Sounds like you had a pretty busy week! Hope your week ahead is a fabulous one.

  5. Just getting to this now… Things have been hectic on my, between visiting relatives in Maine and getting swamped at my day job. So blogging had to take a back seat for almost a week. :/

    Headaches can be brutal, especially if you don’t take care of it quickly enough. But I’m glad you’re feeling better now, and to know you enjoyed your time with your grandkids and your father’s birthday. Hope this week is going well so far, too.

    • Hope things get less full-on soon, Sarah. The week-end was great, though poor little Oscar wasn’t very well. And sadly the headache has reappeared… I was hoping that a bit of time on the computer would help me forget the pain – but I’m now feeling really sick again:(.

  6. Sounds like you had a busy week and those headaches are the worst, i am battling one right now :(. Terminal Regression sounds like a difficult book, don’t think that would be one for me. I read your review for that preview already, it’s sad when you think you get the full story and instead only get a preview. I hope this week is a good one for you!

    • Hm… I’m still not recovered from that headache. Terminal Regression is actually a very readable book, but nonetheless is brave in the way it deals with a difficult subject. So I completely understand your decision not to go there – I won’t touch psychological family thrillers with a bargepole… Thank you for your kind thoughts – I’ve rather crashed this week, but I think I’m just exhausted. Happens to everyone:).

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