Sunday Post – 4th September


Sunday PostThis is part of the weekly meme over at the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where book bloggers can share the books and blogs they have written.

Firstly, a massive thank you for all the kind encouraging messages I received last week. I was blown away by everyone’s kindness. As for the situation – it isn’t going to sort itself out in a hurry, but at least I now don’t feel quite so overwhelmed. Regarding my mega-rewrite, I managed to complete the first draft in the early hours of Monday morning. I haven’t yet returned to look at it in detail – I need to get some distance from the words before I start the editing round – but my sense is that the book is tighter and sharper. I shed 12,000 words from the manuscript, so it is certainly leaner. In the meantime, I’m cracking on with my course notes for the beginning of term later this month.

My summer break is definitely over. I attended a training session at Northbrook College on Tuesday afternoon and my wonderful friend, Mhairi, came over for the day on Wednesday, offering tea and sympathy on industrial quantities. We even managed to get some work done.

This week-end I’m back in granny mode as the grandchildren have come to stay for the last time before they restart school, along with my niece so we have a houseful. Lovely! Now all we need is the rain to stop…

This week I’ve only managed to read:
League of Dragons – Book 9 of the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik
The deadly campaign in Russia has cost both Napoleon and those allied against him. Napoleon has been leagueofdragonsdenied his victory…but at a terrible price. Lawrence and the dragon Temeraire pursue the fleeing French army back west, but are demoralized when Napoleon makes it back to Paris unscathed. Worse, they soon learn that the French have stolen Termeraire and Iskierka’s egg. Now, it is do or die, as our heroes not only need to save Temeraire’s offspring but also to stop Napoleon for good!

I’ve loved this Napoleonic alternate history series, where dragons are pressed into service in the battle between the French and British armies as troop carriers and bombers. In League of Dragons Novik has brought Temeraire’s adventures back full circle to the European theatre of war and finished the dragon’s story arc in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. If you haven’t yet had the pleasure of this series, it comes highly recommended.



The Changelings by Christina Soontornvat
thechangelingsIzzy’s family has just moved to the most boring town in the country. But as time goes on, strange things start to happen; odd piles of stones appear around Izzy’s house, and her little sister Hen comes home full of stories about the witch next door. Then, Hen disappears into the woods. She’s been whisked away to the land of Faerie, and it’s up to Izzy to save her. Joined there by a band of outlaw Changelings, Izzy and her new friends set out on a joint search-and-rescue mission across this foreign land which is at turns alluringly magical and utterly terrifying.

This entertaining children’s offering is a delight, with a strong fast-paced story, appealing protagonist and sufficient twists to keep me reading far later than I should to discover what happens. I shall be reviewing this book in the coming week.



My posts last week:
Sunday Post – 28th August

Review of League of Dragons – Book 9 of the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik

Teaser Tuesday – featuring The Changelings by Christina Soontornvat

*NEW RELEASE SPECIAL* Review of The Thousandth Floor – Book 1 of The Thousandth Floor series by Katherine McGee

*NEW RELEASE SPECIAL* Review of Unraveled – Book 15 of the Elemental Assassin series by Jennifer Estep

Friday Faceoff – Hell is Empty and All the Demons Are Here… featuring The Amulet of Samarkand – Book 1 of The Bartimaeus Sequence by Jonathan Stroud

The Versatile Blogger Award

Other interesting/outstanding blogs and articles that have caught my attention during the last week, in no particular order:

Harry Potter Month (30)
Lynn has unearthed this very amusing piece of nonsense which had me giggling…

10 x 10 + 1 = The 101th Dalmation – Give it a sniff – This amusing and accomplished post by Mareli was to celebrate her 100th blog post. With material like this, no wonder her blog is growing so fast…

Calling All Applicants –
Steven James writes a wry article about the joys of writing..

How to Plan Your Glacier National Park Family Vacation Including the Best Hikes for YOU, Camping and Relaxing – Yes – I’ll grant you the title doesn’t exactly trip off the tongue, but once more Becca and Alex demonstrate their experience and common sense approach to travelling – along with breathtaking pics…

Presumptions Jean writes an honest, unsentimental account suffused with love on the challenges she faces bringing up a daughter and twin boys. And the writing is wonderful, too…

Many thanks for visiting and taking the time and trouble to comment – and may you have a wonderful reading and blogging week.

25 responses »

  1. I’m glad to hear you’re at least feeling less overwhelmed this week 🙂 And it does sound like you’re making some great progress on the book. And yay for having the grandchildren come over! I’m sure that’s always a great way to cheer up 🙂 Have a great week!

    • Thank you, Kristen. Yes – I’ve still got to roll up my sleeves and tidy up the prose and get rid of the inevitable bloopers, but I think shedding a main character, which also entailed cutting a major storyline, has improved the pace while rearranging the focus. I hope you, too, have a great week – and thank you for the Youtube tip!

  2. Yay for your rewrite – that’s very impressive. I need to become more resilient…. even with the support of others I struggle with overwhelm at times.

    And the time with family sounds lovely. It sounds as if you’ve had a busy week…. the reading will wait.

    • Oh, trust me – I’ve been overwhelmed plenty in the past and I’m sure it’ll occur again! But I’ve also have more than enough practice of putting one foot in front of the other and simply trudging onwards:(. Yes – having the children to stay again is a treat before they get swallowed back up by school. Take care, Deborah and I hope you, too, have a great week.

  3. It can be nice to have a full house when family visits… hope you all have a great time. And congrats on the rewrite- trimming 12k words does sound like a nice “leaning” of the MS. Good luck w/ the writing going on.

    I’m very intrigued about The Changelings, I kinda want to read that one and will be keen to see your thoughts. Looks like a great MG. And thanks for the kinks too- I agree about Marelitha’s post, that was fabulous. Love her enthusiasm she brings to the community.

    Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

    • It was lovely having the family visiting, but also very hard work! While the house seems very empty and quiet at least I can now settle down and get some work done! Thank you for your luck – I’ll take every scrap I can, knowing that statistically the odds are very stacked against getting much further. But at least I’m giving it my very best shot! Yes – my review of The Changelings is coming out on Wednesday – I’m horribly behind with my September reading and blogging schedule, but I really, really enjoyed this one. I hope you, too, have a great week. Take care:)

  4. The Novak series is one I haven’t read and it receives a lot of favourable reviews so it’s a series I will definitely pick up at some point. I would probably enjoy reading the series with a bunch of others as a readalong in fact I might suggest it.
    Well done with your rewrites. It sounds liked you’ve had a really productive week.
    And, thanks for the mention 😀
    Lynn 😀

    • Thank you Lynn:). Yes… it would work really well as a readalong series, given the range of the storyline and some of the issues Novik addresses. It has been a productive week – but I still have a ton of stuff to do and a REALLY busy week coming up… You’re welcome for the mention:). Have a great week.

  5. It sounds like you’ve made great strides with your story. Bravo. I can’t begin to imagine how difficult that task was. Sorry I haven’t visited too much this week. Ever since my email got hacked, I don’t get email notices of new posts even though I still follow. Hard to remember to go visit, dang it!
    I hope your holiday weekend is fun. Sounds like good times with your family:)

    My Sunday Post

  6. I am glad you are feeling better, Sarah. Hopefully things will continue to fall into place. I have the first book in the Temeraire series, but have not yet read it. I hope you are enjoying your weekend. We have been enjoying the televised version of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell this afternoon, spending a lazy day at home. My husband and I liked the book when we read it. I hope you have a great week!

    • Thank you for your kind concern:). Glad to hear you already have Temeraire – when you feel the need for some alternate history dragon-style, it’s really worth reading. I loved the TV series of Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell – what a lovely way to spend a Sunday. I very much hope you, too, have a good week.

  7. Glad to hear that things are going better. I saw the Soontornvat book on another blog and looked it up. Unfortunately it doesn’t currently have an audiobook version, so I am unlikely to get to it. But I look forward to reading any reviews.

  8. Thank you so much, Friend! I can’t wait to read these other gems you dug up in the virtual mine that is the Internet….
    Okay, you can tell I’m tired when I feel the need for metaphor just to reference the Internet. 😛

  9. Your week sounded lovely–and productive! I am in the middle of my own private Reading Marathon which started at noon today (after church) and is supposed to go until noon Labor Day. It has been very productive. I have finished a children’s book and book six of King’s Dark Tower Series, plus the Sunday Houston Chronicle (which is usually a Sunday afternoon’s combination task and guilty pleasure. I did manage to get two loads of wash done with the help of my helpful husband who put things in and left me to listen for the buzzers to load and take out. He did all of the folding while I read. (I think I’ll keep him!) I am taking a half hour of marathon time to read and respond to blogs. I don’t know if that’s “legal,” but since it’s my own marathon, I guess I get to make the rules. Ha!

    • That is going some, Rae. Oh… a husband who’s up for doing the chores to save you breaking off from the book is DEFINITELY a keeper! Best of luck with the rest of the marathon and as for the rules… yep – that’s the best kind of challenge, where YOU get to define the limits:) Have a great week and many thanks for dropping in.

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