Teaser Tuesday – 5th April 2016



Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Books and a Beat.
Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

This is my choice of the day:
Desolation – Book 2 of The Demon Road trilogy by Derek Landy
1%: It was safe in here. None of these people wanted to kill her. She was getting good at spotting the Desolationtelltale signs.

BLURB: Reeling from their bloody encounter in New York City at the end of Demon Road, Amber and Milo flee north. On their trail are the Hounds of Hell – five demonic bikers who will stop at nothing to drag their quarries back to their unholy master.
Amber and Milo’s only hope lies within Desolation Hill – a small town with a big secret; a town with a darkness to it, where evil seeps through the very floorboards. Until, on one night every year, it spills over onto the streets and all hell breaks loose.
And that night is coming…

I hadn’t PLANNED on reviewing this book – but when those nice people at NetGalley told me I was auto-approved and I looked twice at the cover, I somehow couldn’t resist. Yes… I know, I know – I’ve cheated, I’ve posted THREE sentences instead of TWO. And? They’re short sentences. So, bite me. Um – erm – no… please don’t! What I meant to say was…

A review will be along shortly, given this book is due to be published on 7th April.

26 responses »

    • lol… no – it means that I’m reading them out of sequence! That said, I’m now into the 2nd book and it seems well written, with plenty of tension and an interesting puzzle, so I’m finding it an entertaining read:). I’m just about to check out your TT – it sounds great!

    • Thank you for swinging by – yes… I think she can take care of herself, but I’ll let you know in due course. I did check out your TT – my goodness, that was a doozy of a teaser! I would have commented, but every time I try to post a comment on your site, my WordPress profile has a hissy fit and I can’t get it to open:(. Doesn’t stop me visiting, though…

  1. I cheat all the time on posting more than two sentences. LOL

    This does sound like a good book. I can see why you couldn’t resist it!

  2. Ooh, this sounds so good! I’ve not read this author, but need to fix that soon. I often use more than 2 sentences. I think I did today. LOL
    Thanks for visiting my teaser. I had to come see when you mentioned demons!

  3. I think the number of sentences is just a guideline, with exceptions used all the time. LOL.

    This one is probably not for me, but I can feel your excitement…and the teaser pulled me in. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. This sounds without doubt like a very interesting read! I like that it’s about demons and not about the more common vampires/witches/zombies/werewolves.

    • Oh yes – definitely fast and furious… And certainly not to everyone’s taste, but it is well written, well crafted and full of adventure, with some enjoyable splashes of humour:)

    • It was great fun, actually, Cyn. Though I suppose it comes under the Horror genre, it’s YA so there’s nothing too extreme in there and it’s well written, with plenty of twists and turns, so that I was kept engrossed throughout.

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