Friday Faceoff – Words are free – it’s how you use them that can cost… #Brainfluffbookblog #FridayFaceoffwordscovers #SciFiMonth2020


This meme was started by Books by Proxy, whose fabulous idea was to compare UK and US book covers and decide which is we prefer. This meme is being nurtured by Lynn’s Book Blog and this week we are featuring covers with WORDS. I’ve selected Artemis by Andy Weir and linked this post to #Sci Fi Month 2020. See my reviews of The Martian and Artemis.

Crown, November 2017

This hardcover edition was produced by Crown in November 2017. To be honest, I think it’s just dreary. The story is a foot-to-the floor thriller set on the Moon. And with all the black, black, blacketty black going on, I don’t think you’d know it. Worse – in thumbnail both the author and title fonts simply disappear. I think this cover fails on almost every level.

Ballantine, July 2018

Published in July 2018 by Ballantine, at least this grey effort gives us an idea of the Moon. And though I’m not sure exactly why it’s there, I quite like the orange strip running down the length of the cover. Though perhaps I’m just craving something – anything else, other than GREY.

Del Rey, November 2017

At least this edition, published by Del Rey in November 2017, is an improvement over the previous miserable offerings. Though I can’t help thinking the girl staring out at us through her space helmet is a not-very-subtle reminder that this is the author of The Martian, given that one of the default covers was Matt Damon was gazing at us. And just in case we missed that allusion, there is lump of blurb telling us. Which has ruined this one for me.

Russian edition, December 2017

This Russian edition, produced by ACT in December 2017, is more like it! I love this image of the Moon, limned around the edge by the Sun. It is glorious and gives a wonderful pop of colour and excitement. And there is also a cool spaceship in the foreground… While I could have done without the MUST READ docket hanging off the ship exhaust, this is my favourite cover by a long light year.

Lithuanian edition, August 2019

This Lithuanian edition, published by BALTO leidybos namai in August 2019 is also a better effort than the top two miserable efforts. I like the figure against the craters of the Moon, though the scale and detail is slightly puzzling. And I definitely like the title running down the centre of the cover in red lettering. But which is your favourite?

24 responses »

  1. Okay I understand your reasoning for disliking the first cover , but my kindle edition also has the same cover ,so I am adamant in saying I like the first cover

    • Thank you Tammy:)). It is a cool cover, isn’t it? And I do get a bit of a bee in my bonnet about some covers – not that I’m too opinionated. In any way. At all…

  2. Hi Sarah! Okay, I’m going to be the odd one here and say I like the first one. That grey and black with the strange font, does pull me in!

    I’ve bought The Martian at a second hand bookshop a month or so ago and really want to read it. Artemis is also on my TBR. Need to get to them. I will try to read The Martian next year. I want to do a “Around the world in Eighty Books” challenge and the planets still count as earth? Or not really I guess if I take how I explain it to the kids… Have to think about that one!

    • I’m glad those covers have some love for them, too:)). It would be a boring old world if we all liked the same thing!

      Perhaps if you entitled your challenge Around the Worlds in Eighty Days?? Then you could include all sorts of extra-planetary adventures:))). My kind of challenge!

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