Shoot for the Moon 2017 Challenge – June Roundup


How have I got on with the writing, reading and blogging targets I set back at the beginning of the year?

• Rewrite Miranda’s Tempest
Complete my rewrite of Miranda’s Tempest in response to some very detailed advice on how to improve it by an agent during the submission process. I had intended to have it completed by now, but got seriously stalled halfway through December…
During June I continued my line edit of Miranda’s Tempest.

• Write at least 100 reviews for my blog during 2017
I hope to continue to read and review at least 100 books, with at least 24 being by women authors previously unknown to me as part of the Discovery Challenge, thanks to Joanne Hall’s post. I also would very much like to get more of my To Be Read pile read and reviewed, so will have another go at the Tackling my TBR Pile this year with the aim of reading at least 30 books during the year from this teetering stack.
During June, I read 9 books and reviewed 8 of them. This brought my yearly total of books read by the end of the month to 90. As for book of the month – The Dog Walker – Book 5 of the Detective’s Daughter series by Lesley Thomson.

• Creative Writing courses
To continue to deliver my courses to the best of my ability.
We have now completed this year’s courses, apart from a one day Summer Surgery writing session in July. It was a successful year and I am now beginning to plan the 2017/18 programme of study.

• Continue teaching TW
Continue delivering the customised syllabus we have managed to find and devise in order to meet Tim’s specific learning requirements.
Tim took his first external academic exam in June and took part in Chichester Free School’s end of year concert, singing ‘You Got to Pick a Pocket or Two’ from Oliver and ‘Evermore’ from Sleeping Beauty as solos. He also completed his film script and the songs he has composed, along with the lyrics and is in the throes of rehearsing with a cast of 15 youngsters, often leading the sessions as he plays the piano and coaches them as they learn the songs. It has been a busy, challenging month for him and he has responded magnificently.

• Continue to improve my fitness
To attend weekly Fitstep and Pilates classes to improve my fitness and regain the strength and stamina I lost after a decade of chronic lower back pain.
I restarted my Fitstep and Pilates classes, though I now have to attend both classes on the same morning, which isn’t ideal. I’m struggling a bit with the new Fitstep class as they are far more advanced. However, I console myself with the thought that as I strive to pick up all these new moves, hopefully I am giving my poor old brain a thorough workout, as well as my befuddled feet…

June was a special month as I also celebrated a BIG birthday. I decided to dye my hair purple – I’ve always been very conservative regarding my appearance, so I thought I’d do something different. It was a busy month with lots going on, including my sister moving from the south of France into a flat just up the road. It’s marvellous having her living in the same town – the first time that’s happened since 1977…

I wrote just under 20,500 words during June, mostly on my blog, which brings my yearly total to just under 194,500 words so far.

17 responses »

  1. Sounds like June was a smashing month for you, Sarah. The only hiccup seems like the new fitstep class, but you have the right attitude toward it. Just keep at it, along with everything else you’ve been doing. 🙂

    • Yes… it has been a good month, overall. Though this year has been something of a roller-coaster – I just wish Life would get a tad more boring… Thank you for your kind encouragement, Sara – it means a lot.

  2. Looks like you are doing well on your goals. I dream of going a bit funky with my hair but haven’t been able to because of work. Once I’m done with work I will be following your lead!

  3. Sounds like you had a great month! Good luck with your challenges, and I bet the purple hair looks awesome!

    Now I also have that song in my head…

    Robin Hood, what a crook!
    Gave away, what he took.
    Charity’s fine, subscribe to mine.
    Get out and pick-a-pocket or two…

    I loved that musical growing up 😀

  4. My, you have accomplished a lot! I am IMPRESSED! I am glad T. is doing so well. I had lunch with A.B., my autistic former student and friend and we both did well. I learn so much from him. Some of it “useless, detailed information, some of it helpful in dealing with individuals, autistic or not. He is working as a child behavioralist specialist at a clinic and doing well. He was offered the job after participating in a study for the head of the clinic. He started out managing the desk and now has two clients of his own. He is a credit to our university, his mom, and himself!

    • That is a very encouraging story for us – I spent the morning in a meeting discussing Tim’s future. We are thrilled with his progress during the last year – and are determined to ensure he is in the best possible place to continue moving forward and able to succeed:).

  5. Whenever I read your roundups, I’m left sincerely impressed with your progress, organization, and ability to stick to the plan. And I know it’s not that nothing ever goes wrong for you: you have your struggles, your health can be acting up, but you just keep going. You could be a role model for many writers out there (myself included).

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