SUNDAY POST – 21st April, 2024 #Brainfluffbookblog #SundayPost


This is part of the weekly meme over at the Caffeinated Reviewer, where book bloggers can share the books they’ve read and share what they have got up to during the last week.

It’s been a good week. On Monday afternoon, I was able to attend the monthly Swanbourne Poets meeting. As ever, it was a thoroughly enjoyable occasion. The quality of the poetry is impressive, as most of those who attend are published poets and it’s a joy to listen to their latest work.

I’ve had sufficient energy this week to start properly contributing to household chores, like regularly cleaning the bathroom and doing the laundry. And while that might not sound like a big deal, it really is. On Friday, I took one of my friends out to celebrate her birthday at the Sea Lane Café. We were lucky enough to get a corner table looking out over the beach and had a lovely time exchanging news and just enjoying each other’s company – the first time we’d done so since before the first lockdown. It was such a treat!

Himself and I have a weekend to ourselves as Oscar is off to watch Everton play with his stepdad. We popped into Rustington yesterday, as Himself had a hair appointment and enjoyed a leisurely coffee together before returning home. This morning, we nipped out intending to go to the beach, but ended up having a coffee at the Harbour Lights café and wandering along the riverside walk. That’s where the pictures were taken. The RNLI – the wonderful folks who risk their lives to rescue folks caught in bad situations at sea – were having a barbeque on the river front. And as you can see, there is lovely sunshine, though there is a northerly bite to the wind which means we can’t shed coats or sit out in the sunshine. Nevertheless, it’s a treat to see that shiny orb in the sky, instead of perpetual cloud and rain😊.

Books I’ve read this week:
Chosen – Book 5 of The Grey Gates series by Vanessa Nelson
Demons on the loose. Ritual murders. An ancient vampire breathing down her neck.
Some days Max just doesn’t know where to start. The problems facing her city are piling up, and there seems no end or solution in sight.

Max’s job used to be dealing with supernatural creatures. Now she’s got to tackle demons from the underworld who are far more powerful than anything she’s come across before, and who seem intent on bringing an end to the daylight world.

Part of Max would love to sit this one out. Let someone else save the world for a change. But was it ever really a choice?
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this series, so it’s with some sadness I’ve come to the end. I’ve particularly enjoyed Max’s two delightful shadow hounds, who accompany her on all her adventures. The good news is that Vanessa is busy on a new series – which I’m pleased about as I really enjoy her writing. 9/10

AUDIOBOOK – High Stakes – Book 3 of the Bo Blackman Boxed Set series by Helen Harper
It may be less than a month since the doors of New Order opened but that doesn’t mean Bo Blackman isn’t busy. It’s not just daft allegations about vampire dogs and complicated relationships that she has to deal with, however.

When a woman is brutally assaulted, barely escaping with her life, Bo ensures she forms an integral part of the investigation. The trouble is that she may end up being confronted with a darkness that she’s simply not ready for…
This time around, I fully bonded with Bo. During the first two books, she slightly annoyed me at times. But while she’s still apt to go off on her own, ignoring advice and generally haring towards trouble – her innate kindness towards Kimchi, the alleged vampire dog, as well as a huge act of sacrifice had me thoroughly rooting for her in this adventure. I’m very glad there’s more books to come in this series. 9/10

Dragons Beyond the Pale – Book 7 of Jane Austen’s Dragons series by Maria Grace
After months in Bath mentoring Dragon Keepers and Friends, Dragon Sage Elizabeth Darcy actually anticipates traveling to London for the Keeper’s Cotillion. Which says a great deal considering the she-dragons who make up the Cotillion board would very much like to show the Sage her proper place.

The she-dragons, though, are no match for what Sir Fitzwilliam Darcy finds waiting for him in London. Threats to the Order on every side, and Lord Matlock demands he keep them secret from Elizabeth. No one keeps secrets from Elizabeth.

In the meantime, Anne and Frederick Wentworth arrive in London with hopes of finally being accepted in good Blue Order society, unaware of the burgeoning maelstrom about to engulf them.

Darcy manages to keep matters under control until a fairy-dragon’s prank unleashes sinister forces who perpetrate an unthinkable crime that could spell the end of the Pendragon Accords and usher in a new age of dragon war. Can Elizabeth and Darcy, with the Wentworths’ help, restore balance to the Blue Order before the dragons decide to take matters into their own talons and right the wrongs themselves?
This story took an unexpected turn. I flew through this gripping instalment of Grace’s exceptional series, thoroughly enjoying the way the author cleverly negotiates Austen’s world with the addition of dragons. I am trying hard to spin this series out, because I know that there will be a HUGE book hangover when I come to the end of these delightful books. 10/10

My posts last week:

Castellan and His Wise Draconic Tips on Life

Review of INDIE Ebook Frozen Stiff Drink – Book 6 of the Braxton Campus Mysteries by James J. Cudney

Can’t-Wait-Wednesday featuring A Letter to the Luminous Deep – Book 1 of The Sunken Archives series by Sylvia Cathrall

Review of INDIE Ebook Quarter Share – Book 1 of the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper series by Nathan Lowell

Sunday Post – 14th April 2024

Hope you, too, had some brilliant books to tuck into and wishing you all a happy, healthy week😊.

46 responses »

  1. The constant wind and rain has gotten a bit much, hasn’t it? I’m so glad to see sunshine even when it’s cold!

    I’m glad you’ve had some nice trips out with your husband.

    • Thank you, Nicci – it’s lovely going out and about and having the mindset and physical energy to thoroughly enjoy myself. And yes… seeing the sun was a huge bonus. Sadly, while we haven’t had any rain, the sun has gone all shy and is now hiding behind a thick bank of cloud… Oh well – the weather has to improve soon! Have a great week:).

  2. What a nice week, getting out so much in the sunshine! We had a very warm day yesterday and I just wanted to soak up the sun as much as possible. I hope this week is just as enjoyable😁

    • Thank you, Tammy! I’m very conscious that I’ve no business moaning about the weather, given the severity of the winters that you now endure… But I absolutely know what you mean about appreciating the sunshine!! And let’s hope we both get more of the golden stuff in the coming week:)).

  3. I am so glad to know that you felt better this week and had enough eneregy to do chores and meet your friend!

    • I am sure the novelty of being able to regularly clean the bathroom will soon wear off – but right now it’s just lovely to know that I’m reliably contributing:)). Thank you for your kind good wishes, Sophie and I hope you have a lovely week, too.

    • Thank you, Jodie – so long as I don’t end up back in bed, drained and exhausted – I’m taking every week as a win:)). I hope your week is a wonderful one.

    • You’re absolutely right, Maddalena. And there’s no excuse not to do so more often, given that we have the seaside right on our doorstep… Have a great week:).

    • Thank you, Kimberly – it’s such a relief to feel more like the old me again:)). And having several outings in a single week without being wiped out is a real treat.

      Have you read Nelson’s Ageless series? I still think that’s my favourite – she manages to write high fantasy characters with an urban fantasy vibe that makes her work really stand out.

  4. You did have a great week, Sarah. I’m so glad to hear that you were able to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather and spend time with others. I think it’s great that you were even able to have the energy to do things around the house!

    One of the children’s series I’ve always wanted to read is the Dealing with Dragons series. One of these days!

    • Thank you, Deb. It seems that suddenly, I’m feeling far more like my old self and after 3 years of feeling so fragile and easily exhausted – it’s a huge relief:)).

      I’ve got a copy of the first book in the series, Dealing With Dragons – I must haul it out of my teetering TBR pile and tuck in:)).

    • Urg! I know that football practice here has been a huge problem as the pitch the youngsters use has been under water half the winter… And now the boxing gym my grandson uses has been damaged in the recent floods. Let’s hope we both have a great summer so that everything has a chance to dry out:)).

  5. Great job on the household chores! I totally get why it’s a big deal, it’s big for me too that I’m now able to do more than I did. ❤️ The Jane Austen Dragon series sounds wonderful, I’ll have to check them out sooner rather than later.


    • Thank you, Haze:)). I hasten to add that I’m not someone who usually enjoys housework and probably doesn’t do quite as much as I should! But not being able to do more than the smallest amount during the last 3 years has been an increasing problem! Glad you are also able to do more:)). And if you can squeeze the Jane Austen Dragon series into your TBR, do give it a go – they are a joy. Have a great week.

  6. Going out to lunch is a real treat. You seem to have found a really great place for it.

    best, mae at

    • Thank you, Mae – the bonus to living in the same place for such a long time is that you get to know all the best eating places:)). So it’s lovely to be well enough to take advantage of that knowledge.

    • Lol… I’m no neat freak!! And I can ALWAYS think of better things to do than housework – but after watching Himself struggle to keep everything going at home as well as keeping on top of a demanding job – it’s a relief to feel that I’m more than just a constant drain on him!! And thank you for the sunshine vibe you sent… I’m SO sun-starved right now!

  7. Congratulations on having enough energy to help with chores!!!

     A corner table looking out over the beach and coffee along the riverfront sound amazing.

    • We are so blessed to live so close to the coast – and especially recently – we haven’t really taken advantage of it… So it was lovely to wander along the river front after a nice cuppa:)). Have a great week, Jinjer.

  8. Nice to hear your energy is up and you were able to get out and about and enjoy some sunshine, even if it was still cold. I’ve seen good things about that P&P reimagining series. I have book one, but it’s tough to fit in when there’s no audios. Have a lovely week, Sarah!

    • Thank you, Rachel – I’m so pleased to feel more like my old self. And that includes having the energy to thoroughly enjoying getting out:)). I hear what you say about audio – it’s the ultimate way to enjoy books when you’re really busy, isn’t it? I hope you, too, have a wonderful week.

  9. We’ve had a few sunny weeks and I’m really enjoying them. There’s definitely something energizing about sunny weather even if it’s cold. I hope you’re having a great week!

    • Thank you, Katherine:). It’s a bit more turbulent this week – but that’s Life… Glad you’ve had more sunshine – we have had a few dry days, but still cloudy. I’m SO looking forward to the summer!!!

  10. I am so glad to hear you had a good week and even had energy to do some household chores. With my low energy levels lately I can definitely understand what a big deal that is. You outigns this week sound like they were all fun ones.

    • Yes – it just goes to show how long ago it was that I was able to do any housework (never my favourite task!) that I actually was excited to be able to actually take over cleaning the bathroom.

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