Sunday Post – 3rd February, 2019 #Brainfluffbookblog #SundayPost


This is part of the weekly meme over at the Caffeinated Reviewer, where book bloggers can share the books and blogs they have written.

We had several hard frosts this week, before the temperature warmed up – only to suddenly plunge again so that on Thursday evening we had snow falling for nearly four hours, leaving behind over an inch covering everything and fears of travel chaos the following day. Fortunately the sun shone on Friday morning and by the time we had to make the drive to Brighton to pick up the children, it was pouring with rain, finally washing away any traces of snow or ice. Oscar and I spent Saturday morning building a Lego tower together, before my sister popped in with a present – a pack of hangers! I was delighted as I’m always running out. Himself got home at around 1 pm after a 3 am start and after a short nap, he and Oscar played a quick game of Bloodbowl, while Frances and I went out for a coffee/hot chocolate and a natter.

My daughter will be coming over to pick up the children this afternoon, so Oscar and I will be making vegan banana cake together this morning. Other than having the children this weekend, the week has slipped by at the speed of a downhill skier – how come we’re in February, already? I swear that Christmas was only a fortnight ago…

Last week I read:
Dark City – Book 1 of The Order of the Shadows series by Kit Hallows
My name’s Morgan Rook, Supernatural Detective, Undercover Agent, odd jobs man. Call it whatever you like. I take out the nightmares, demons and werewolves. The things that lurk in the shadows around you. Guys like us, we call them Nightkind. And here I was, set to quit this dark life and retire to sunnier climes, except for one final job. There’s always one. This time a call to eliminate a cruel, rogue vampire, named Mr. Tudor. Simple right? Sure. Until the bodies started piling up in a new wave of vicious occult killings leading scarily close to my own front door…
An entertaining, fast-paced urban fantasy adventure featuring a mostly sympathetic protagonist.

Endgames – Book 12 of the Imager Portfolio series by L.E. Modesitt Jr
Solidar is in chaos. Charyn, the young and untested ruler of Solidar, has survived assassination, and he struggles to gain control of a realm in the grip of social upheaval, war, and rioting. Solidar cannot be allowed to slide into social and political turmoil that will leave the High Holders with their ancient power and privilege, and the common people with nothing. But the stakes are even higher than he realizes.
This detailed, slow-burn fantasy adventure featuring a cool-headed young man struggling against difficult odds drew me in. Review to follow.


Knife Children – NOVELLA in The Sharing Knife series by Lois McMaster Bujold
Lakewalker Barr Foxbrush returns from two years of patrolling the bitter wilds of Luthlia against the enigmatic, destructive entities called malices, only to find that the secret daughter he’d left behind in the hinterland of Oleana has disappeared from her home after a terrible accusation. The search for her will call on more of Barr’s mind and heart than just his mage powers, as he tries to balance his mistakes of the past and his most personal duties to the future.
Wonderful addition to a favourite fantasy series by this fabulously talented author – review to follow.

Sparrow Falling – Book 2 of Gears of Empire series by Gaie Sebold
Eveline Sparrow hopes to put her past experiences as a thief and con-artist to more legitimate use; which is why some of the girls at her Sparrow School receive private lessons in burglary, fakery, and other such underhand practices. But it’s hard to get honest work when few businesses will employ young ladies in the security professions…
It was fun to reacquaint myself with Evvie after the enjoyable Shanghai Sparrow and her talent for getting into trouble in this steampunk sci fi/fantasy mash-up provides an entertaining adventure.



My posts last week:

Sunday Post – 27th January 2019

Increasing Discoverability for Women Authors in SFF – 2018

Friday Face-Off featuring Eligible – Book 4 of the Austen Project by Curtis Sittenfeld

*NEW RELEASE SPECIAL* – Review of Headlong – Book 12 of The Imager Portfolio series by L.E. Modesitt Jr

Interesting/outstanding blogs and articles that have caught my attention during the last week, in no particular order:

Quitting: Why Letting Go & Moving on Are Crucial for Success Once again, the wonderful Kristen Lamb provides solid advice for those of us struggling to write amongst all the other stuff going on in our lives…

Music Monday: The Sound of Silence by Disturbed. #Music #MusicMonday I know the Simon and Garfunkel version – but this one, I think, is even better…

Piano: A Poem by D.H. Lawrence This article features a poignant poem that I’m very fond of. It isn’t brilliant or clever, but its very simplicity always moves me…

PLANETARY AWARDS: Nominations for the best of 2018 Maddalena on her excellent blog provides the links for those of you who enjoy SFF and would like to nominate your favourite novel and novella of last year. I’m currently pummelling my brain into porridge in an effort to choose between a final two…

Grimbold Books’ advice to aspiring authors “Listen to feedback” Listening to this wonderful interview with Kate reminds me all over again why I submitted to this lovely indie publisher.

In the meantime, many thanks for taking the time to comment, like and visit my blog – have a wonderful week!

17 responses »

  1. I agree, time is moving too fast! I want everything to slow down as well. Dark City has caught my attention, and it looks like you really had a good reading week😁

  2. We had some mild snow here this week as well, but it was gone quite quickly again. Glad to hear the snow and ice was gone by the time you had to leave the house. I hope your vegan banana cake turned out good, that sounds pretty good! I feel the opposite, it feels like January lasted forever and I am glad it’s finally February. Glad to hear you had some good reads this week. Have a great week!

  3. We didn’t get any snow until Thursday night and it snowed pretty much all day on Friday… Wiltshire was hit pretty bad but at this end we ended up with only a couple of inches which mostly melted by Saturday… I do like the snow though. Especially when it doesn’t out-stay its welcome. 🙂

  4. Christmas DOES feel like it was just here! Usually I feel like January crawls by, since winter is so bleak here, but this year it flew by! Not that I’m complaining haha- I need spring. 🙂

    Endgames looks so interesting. I’ve looked at the Modesitt books a ton of times, maybe one of these days I’ll actually take the plunge!

    • If you are interested in reading Modesitt, can I recommend The Ghosts in Columbia alternate history duology? It’s a gem and I think it’s Modesitt at his quirky best.

    • Thank you, Jennifer – yes, the grandchildren are a joy. And the banana cake is delicious and a very good way of using up overripe bananas that are no longer edible… I hope you too have a brilliant week, Jennifer:)

  5. I hope you are staying warm with all that snow! We’ve had nonstop rain the last couple of days, which is nice–but we have had a couple of flash flood warnings pop up. Luckily nothing that affects us. We enjoy building Lego towers around here too. 🙂 All of your current reads sound so good. Dark City especially. I will have to check it out. I hope you have a wonderful week, Sarah.

    • Thank you, Wendy:) Fortunately the snow is now a distant memory, and we are in the middle of a typical Monday morning – chilly and wet with drizzly rain and very overcast…

      Yes – I always enjoy Lego building projects:)

      Dark City was a strong foundation to what looks like will continue to be an intriguing series. And I hope your week gets a lot drier

  6. I’ve fallen behind again… now I’m trying to catch up with all my replies and comments back….. Sorry I haven’t visited in a while……. 😦

    WONDERFUL post, Sarah!! I need to read more of your Sunday Posts!! 🙂

    You might think I’m crazy, but I actually envy the fact that you live in a place where it snows. That’s because I’ve NEVER seen snow, except in photos, movies, and TV. Lol. Maybe if I DID live in such a place, and had to deal with it on a daily basis, all of my romantic enthusiasm for the stuff would melt…. 🙂 My husband is a New Yorker, and says that he doesn’t miss the city AT ALL, even though he grew up there. He had to clear his sidewalk and get the snow and ice off his car every morning!! Lol.

    So on to the books!! I’m not familiar with any of these books or authors, but I like them all, so I’m adding them to my Goodreads shelves.

    I’m especially interested in “Endgames” and “Sparrow Falling”. Thanks for featuring all of these!! ❤

    As for your previous posts, I want to read "Increasing Discoverability for Women Authors in SFF — 2018". Sounds VERY interesting!

    Hope you enjoy your Sunday!! CHEERS!!! ❤ 🙂

    • Thank you, Maria:)). I appreciate you taking the time to catch up – bless you!

      Yes… I think you’re right – you’d quickly get fed up with the slushy, icy mess our snow quickly turns into – especially as it paralyses the country as we are only set up for drizzle in this part of the UK. But you should get to see the real deal like somewhere it falls and looks fabulous!

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