Friday Faceoff – A hero is somebody who voluntarily walks into the unknown… Brainfluffbookblog


This meme was started by Books by Proxy, whose fabulous idea was to compare UK and US book covers and decide which is we prefer. This meme is currently being nurtured by Lynn’s Book Blog and the subject this week featuring on any of our covers is a HERO, so I’ve selected The Lost Hero – Book 1 of The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riodan.


This edition was produced by Disney-Hyperion Books in October 2012. I really like this cover featuring a wonderful steam-driven dragon, which rightly has pride of place in the middle of the cover. The green light suffusing the backdrop ensures the metallic colouring is nicely thrown into relief. The title and author fonts are clear and inoffensive, if a tad boring, but this cover is a strong contender – even if said hero doesn’t feature all that much.


Published in October 2011 by Puffin, this is a really dramatic offering. The steampunk dragon is still featuring – but the lower half of the cover is given over to the young hero plunging towards the ground. It is a startling, eye-catching image. Unusually, the series details are given more emphasis than the title or even the best-selling author. While this is unquestionably a dramatic cover, it doesn’t look so effective in thumbnail.


This Italian edition, published by Mondadori in September 2017 has featured the lost hero of the title. The silhouette of the slumped figure depicts utter despair. With the birds pouring out of him as he dissolves, it is an arresting image that snags attention. I would love it even more, but for the fact that it fades into black both top and bottom. This means the artwork only extends over half of the cover, which is a shame, given how brilliant it is.


Produced by Boekeri in September 2012, this Dutch edition is more successful. I love the dramatic colouring and the protagonists staring at the devastated cityscape while that amazing mechanical dragon is also nicely featured. Those flame colours in the backdrop really jump out. I also love that border edging the whole cover which gives it an extra dimension. This is my favourite, though it’s a close-run thing between this one and the cover below.


This Russian edition, published by Эксмо in October 2010 has us back in the air with that wonderful mechanical dragon again. This is another cover that tells a dramatic story, with the city in flames and that amazing building featuring behind the lovely red and white font. I really like the fact that we can see the characters so clearly on board the dragon. Which one is your favourite?

30 responses »

    • I have yet to have the pleasure of Rick Riordan’s books – as I own most of the audio books, I am determined to set up my Kindle Fire and tuck into them over the Christmas holidays!

    • It is an awesome cover, isn’t it:). I haven’t read the book either – which is a change as I generally try to find books that I have read. But I saw this series of covers and fell hard for that wonderful mechanical dragon…

  1. Well, any cover featuring a dragon (and this looks like a mechanical, or steampunk dragon) is bound to catch my attention! The second cover from the top is my absolute favorite, what with the red light in the dragon’s eyes… 🙂

  2. These are all great! And I like how you have a Dutch version in here. It’s always interesting to see how they translate the cover for different countries. I think the Russian cover is also my favorite as I like how they actually are on the dragon. The dutch cover is great, but feel a bit more passive with how they just stand there watching. I also like the first one where they are all on the dragon.

    • Yes, it’s fascinating the cultural differences in book covers. I get so see the differences between UK and US covers in particular and there is often quite a difference.

  3. I LOVE these cover posts!! You always have such a GREAT selection of covers!! 🙂

    In this particular case, I have to say that, for me, the Disney-Hyperion cover wins, hands down! I LOVE the dynamic sweep of that mechanical dragon’s flight! It’s almost like watching a movie!

    The Puffin cover scares me to pieces, and I can’t stare at it for very long. I HATE the dragon’s glowing red eyes, and the hero falling off.

    The Italian edition is very bold and beautiful, but it doesn’t convey the sense of magical adventure that the other covers do. Also, it looks like it belongs on a book for adults.

    The last two covers do indeed have that sense of magical adventure, but the compositions are too static for me. They just don’t have the dynamism of the Disney-Hyperion cover.

    Thanks for featuring all of these covers for comparison!! Hope you’re having a nice holiday season!! CHEERS!! ❤ 🙂

    • Thank you for your insightful comments, Maria. I always love getting your opinions on this post, as I know your fascination with book covers chimes with my own:).

      I am scrambling to catch up – but have now more or less got the house decorated, all my cards written, presents bought and wrapped. Now, to tidy up the house and firm up the tentative menu plan for the festive week…

  4. Oh wow, these are all amazing covers! But that dragon-less one throws me a little. It’s beautiful, yeah, but I’m so used to seeing the dragon that I can’t connect the story to a cover withOUT the dragon. Well, that’s my stubborn brain…

  5. I might be a sucker for beautifully illustrated covers, but the first one (with the last one being close second) wins my vote. It’s stunning and eye-catching and it made me scroll past the rest without much enthusiasm.

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