Can’t-Wait Wednesday – 8th November, 2023 #Brainfluffbookblog #CWC #WOW


Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they’re books that have yet to be released. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine.

This week, I have TWO Can’t-Wait offerings!

Firstly – The Little Old Lady Strikes Back by Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg – release date – hm… Netgalley is telling me 5th December, but I see the book was actually published on 4th October, 2023 – so take your pick!

#heist adventure #feisty heroine #older protagonists

BLURB: After stealing some priceless Russian jewels from the Stockholm Auction House, Martha and her gang flee to the small village of Hemmavid to lie low. But what they find is a village in crisis, so they decide they want to help revive the place.

But to do so, the village needs money. In steps the League of Pensioners to arrange events to attract paying tourists. Which all turns out to be a rather delicate, and dramatic, balancing act when you are wanted by the police. Even when the school is about to be closed, they step up to put on classes in technology, seamanship and entrepreneurship so that the students can start companies and create new jobs and hopefully a future.

Having donned the mantle of guerrilla fighters, come to save Sweden’s countryside from depopulation, Will they be able to help the villagers get the attention of the politicians to save the village without being caught?

I requested this one, after having read the latest Richard Osman offering in his Thursday Murder Club series, The Last Devil to Die. So I was hankering after more adventures featuring elderly protagonists. I hope this one works – what I hadn’t appreciated is that it’s a translation. And in the past, I’ve had some unhappy experiences with translated books. Hopefully, this will be one of the successful ones – I’m looking at you The Name of the Rose

And my SECOND book this week – The Naming of Moths by Tracy Fells – release date 10th November, 2023.

#Stories of myths, mothers and monsters

BLURB: THE NAMING OF MOTHS features stories of magical realism, myths and legends re-imagined, where all the characters are undergoing transformation or facing a pivotal moment of change in their lives. People and animals interchange their shapes.

Story landscapes flit from fairy-tale woods to urban homes. Here love, hope and kindness weave between the realities of man’s endless talent for cruelty.

Tracy Fells is a writing buddy. We were on the committee of West Sussex Writers together and through writing workshops and watching her win a steady stream of prizes and commissions for her short stories, I became aware of her writing talent. Since I became ill, I’d lost touch with her. But I was delighted to hear that a collection of her short stories is due to be published very soon😊.

24 responses »

  1. These both sound so good. I love older characters and am always looking forward to books that check that box.

  2. I think the original date was when it was published in Swedish, Jody. I have the first book in this series on my bookshelf upstairs, I should give it a go. I hope you enjoy both of these books, Jodie.

  3. I’d read The Little Old Lady Strikes Back just for the title! That sounds like a fun one, Sarah. The Naming of Moths also sounds good. I do enjoy short stories from time to time. Thank you for sharing!

  4. The Little Old Lady Strikes Back looks like it could be really fun – if the translation is good. I’m with you – some are fantastic and some are not so much. I’m looking forward to seeing what you think of this.

    • I’ve ended up DNFing this one, sadly:((. I felt the author wasn’t particularly respectful to her older protagonists (a bit of a hobbyhorse of mine when elderly characters are featured) and the plot went from a tad unbelievable to just plain silly… I don’t persevere with books I’m not enjoying – Life’s too short. That said, there are plenty of readers who clearly are huge fans of this series…

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