Can’t-Wait Wednesday – 11th November, 2020 #Brainfluffbookblog #CWC #WOW #SciFiMonth2020


Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they’re books that have yet to be released. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine. I have linked this post to #Sci Fi Month 2020…

This week’s Can’t-Wait offering – The Expert System’s Champion – Book 2 of The Expert System series by Adrian Tchaikovsky – release date 26th January 2021

#science fiction #alien contact #colony planet

BLURB: It’s been ten years since Handry was wrenched away from his family and friends, forced to wander a world he no longer understood. But with the help of the Ancients, he has cobbled together a life, of sorts, for himself and his fellow outcasts.

Wandering from village to village, welcoming the folk that the townships abandon, fighting the monsters the villagers cannot—or dare not—his ever-growing band of misfits has become the stuff of legend, a story told by parents to keep unruly children in line.

But there is something new and dangerous in the world, and the beasts of the land are acting against their nature, destroying the towns they once left in peace.

And for the first time in memory, the Ancients have no wisdom to offer…

I actually discovered the existence of this one when trawling for covers for my Covet the Cover article last week, and I was delighted! I loved The Expert System’s Brother and I’m thrilled that we get to find out what next happens to Handry. Anyone else got this one on their wish list?

15 responses »

  1. My TBR poll this month features science fiction because I can’t not read at least one science fiction novel in November, right? This sounds like it will be a good one. I hope you enjoy it, Sarah! Have a great week and stay safe and well.

    • The Ancients (I think, if memory serves me!) are the remains of the wisdom available from the memory of the ship’s A.I. But it’s a while since I read the first book…

  2. Pingback: #SciFiMonth Mission Log: week two

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