Sunday Post – 18th October, 2020 #Brainfluffbookblog #SundayPost


This is part of the weekly meme over at the Caffeinated Reviewer, where book bloggers can share the books and blogs they have written.

After having been away for a couple of weeks, this last week has been a blur of catching up – but also resuming activities I haven’t done since before Lockdown in March. Like attending my first Fitstep session on Wednesday, and teaching Tim on Friday. I am very thankful that I’d had those two weeks away in Bexhill, where we went out every single day for at least a walk along the seafront and occasionally for a coffee or lunch at the wonderful art deco Pavillion, where their safeguarding measures are the best I’ve seen, anywhere. My pictures this week come from Bexhill, again…

So I’ve lost the tight-knit knot of fear that used to appear every time I’d walked through my back gate, masked up to face a world full of jagged differences. Just as well, really. Last Sunday, I drove to Basingstoke accompanied by my younger sister to visit our youngest sibling, who was celebrating her 50th birthday. Instead of having the large family celebration she’d wanted, we all took turns to pop in to see her to ensure we didn’t break the Rule of Six and she had an ongoing series of visitors over the weekend, all organised by her husband. So it was a complete surprise to her as to who would be turning up on her doorstep. The catch was that the road we normally take was closed for some reason – so while we got there on time, we’d wandered down some very, very narrow roads via the detour. On the way home, while following an alternative route, we managed to get magnificently lost. However, the journey was on A-roads that wound through open countryside and through tree-covered tunnels, with rich, buttery Autumn sunshine slipping through the greenery. It was absolutely beautiful – and even though I didn’t have a clue where we were, I recall looking around feeling very glad to just be there. Fortuntely, soon afterwards, we arrived on the outskirts of Chichester and just half an hour from home on familiar roads.

On Thursday, I drove over to see my daughter and grandchildren which was lovely – it seemed far too long since I’d seen them. I couldn’t get over how many more words Eliza now has – she’s a real little chatterbox, so very much like her mother at the same age! On Friday, Himself and I returned to pick up Frank after school and bring him to stay, so I had a chance to catch up with him. It’s his GCSE year, so he’s working hard towards his mock exams in a year where everything is so very different.

Last week I read:
The Postscript Murders – Book 2 of the Harbinder Kaur series by Elly Griffiths
PS: thanks for the murders.
The death of a ninety-year-old woman with a heart condition should absolutely not be suspicious. DS Harbinder Kaur certainly sees nothing to concern her in carer Natalka’s account of Peggy Smith’s death.
But when Natalka reveals that Peggy lied about her heart condition and that she had been sure someone was following her…
And that Peggy Smith had been a ‘murder consultant’ who plotted deaths for authors, and knew more about murder than anyone has any right to…
And when clearing out Peggy’s flat ends in Natalka being held at gunpoint by a masked figure…
Well then DS Harbinder Kaur thinks that maybe there is no such thing as an unsuspicious death after all.
This intriguing murder mystery continues the literary theme started in the previous book. It isn’t a cosy, but it certainly seems to follow in the footsteps of Agatha Christie’s type of whodunit and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Review to follow.

AUDIOBOOK The Lost Hero – Book 1 of The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
JASON HAS A PROBLEM. He doesn’t remember anything before waking up in a bus full of kids on a field trip. Apparently he has a girlfriend named Piper, and his best friend is a guy named Leo. They’re all students at the Wilderness School, a boarding school for “bad kids,” as Leo puts it. What did Jason do to end up here? And where is here, exactly? Jason doesn’t know anything—except that everything seems very wrong.

PIPER HAS A SECRET. Her father has been missing for three days, ever since she had that terrifying nightmare about his being in trouble. Piper doesn’t understand her dream, or why her boyfriend suddenly doesn’t recognize her. When a freak storm hits during the school trip, unleashing strange creatures and whisking her, Jason, and Leo away to someplace called Camp Half-Blood, she has a feeling she’s going to find out, whether she wants to or not.

LEO HAS A WAY WITH TOOLS. When he sees his cabin at Camp Half-Blood, filled with power tools and machine parts, he feels right at home. But there’s weird stuff, too—like the curse everyone keeps talking about, and some camper who’s gone missing. Weirdest of all, his bunkmates insist that each of them—including Leo—is related to a god. Does this have anything to do with Jason’s amnesia, or the fact that Leo keeps seeing ghosts?
Well this was huge fun and nicely filled the gap left since I finished listening to Riordan’s Percy Jackson series. And I’m delighted to see that we have all the books – so I shall be enjoying more of these, too. Review to follow.

The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow
In 1893, there’s no such thing as witches. There used to be, in the wild, dark days before the burnings began, but now witching is nothing but tidy charms and nursery rhymes. If the modern woman wants any measure of power, she must find it at the ballot box.

But when the Eastwood sisters–James Juniper, Agnes Amaranth, and Beatrice Belladonna–join the suffragists of New Salem, they begin to pursue the forgotten words and ways that might turn the women’s movement into the witch’s movement. Stalked by shadows and sickness, hunted by forces who will not suffer a witch to vote-and perhaps not even to live-the sisters will need to delve into the oldest magics, draw new alliances, and heal the bond between them if they want to survive. There’s no such thing as witches. But there will be.
This is a brilliant read. I absolutely loved it, but I did find it something of a struggle, as the poor Eastwood sisters had a very rough time of it and I’m not really in the place to read such grim grittiness. But that isn’t the author’s fault – and I will be reviewing it in due course.

My posts last week:

Castellan the Black and His Wise Draconic Sayings

Déjà vu Review of Victory of Eagles – Book 5 of the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik

Friday Face-off featuring Wintersmith – Book 3 of the Tiffany Aching series by Terry Pratchett

Cover Love – featuring the covers of Naomi Novik

Review of Minimum Wage Magic – Book 1 of the DFZ series by Rachel Aaron

Can’t-Wait Wednesday featuring Map’s Edge – Book 1 of The Tethered Citadel series by David Hair

Tuesday Treasures – 15

*NEW RELEASE SPECIAL* Review of A Deadly Education – Book 1 of The Scholomance series by Naomi Novik

*NEW RELEASE SPECIAL* Review of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwarb

Sunday Post – 11th October 2020

It’s been a crazy week – full of resuming threads of my old life, as well as catching up. What I’m no longer doing is sitting at the computer until stupid o’clock to continue working. So no posts to recommend again this week, I’m afraid. Thank you for visiting, reading, liking and/or commenting on my blog – I hope you and yours have a peaceful, healthy week. Take care.

35 responses »

  1. Sounds like you’ve been enjoying life! My husband and I are celebrating our 22nd anniversary next Saturday and we’ve decided to actually go out to a restaurant (seated outside of course). Its our first time doing that since March! Hope you have a lovely week😁

  2. What a wonderful way to celebrate your youngest sister’s birthday! Her husband had such a great idea to spread the celebrations out over the whole weekend.
    I’m glad you’ve been able to see your grandchildren, too. I think the hardest for me is that I can’t go to Norway to see my mom, my sister and my nieces and nephews. Hopefully, things will ease up next year so that I can go and see them again then.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe and healthy 🙂

  3. I am glad to hear you’ve been busy catching up now your home and spent some lovely time with family. I hope you will get an answer for your continuing image problem from WordPress. Recently my account switched over to the new Block Editor and I hate it! Thankfully, I have discovered a, not very well advertised, way to still use the Classic Editor through the dashboard. Phew! 😅 Take care and happy reading in the coming week. 👋📚🙂

  4. That’s always a bit though when you get back from being away and have to catch up on everything. That’s nice you got to visit your youngest sibling for her birthday and what a good idea to switch up who would visit when so she has lots of visitors and everyone stays safer too. And that you got to see your grandkids later in the week.

    I hope wordpress can explains why you have that weird error and can’t upload new pictures, that’s strange.

    I hope you’ll have a good week!

  5. Ooh, sorry that you are having another WordPress issue! Will they never end?

    I am glad you got to see family…and sometimes I think that the challenges we face in order to get together enhance the special joys of the gatherings. Here’s hoping our “new normal” will be a reminder of this.

    I hope you have a great week. I love Elly Griffiths’ books, even though I haven’t read that many. I’m adding The Postscript Murders to my list.

    Thanks for visiting my blog…and enjoy your week.

    • I have now finally managed to make it work – but I have been getting increasing problems in the last couple of months, which is making me a bit cross, Laurel.

      Oh, I particularly love the new series – though do start with The Stranger Diaries, Laurel – I’ll be reviewing it during the coming week…

  6. I know it’s strange and a little bit frightening going outside without a mask and here, we are abck to square one! Have a great week

  7. Hi Sarah! Glad you could at least spend some time with your younger sister for her 50th. That will be my next round figure. Scary thought! Couple of years to go though.

    The postscript murders looks so good. I haven’t read the first one yet, but it is on my TBR after you’ve recommended it!

    Hope you will find balance and rhythm again this week.

    Take care.

    • Thank you, Mareli. I’m hoping this week will be a bit less hectic, but it did feel good living life more normally, again… I hadn’t realised how much I missed it.

    • Thank you, Yvonne. It was lovely to see my sister – we hadn’t met up since before Christmas, though it was hard not to hug. And I’m really sad that she couldn’t have the wonderful party I know that she wanted. But we promised ourselves a fabulous one, when things finally ease up and become safer!

  8. I’m glad to hear you are getting out, seeing people and feeling safe. I am feeling more like locking down as it seems cases getting much worse here. But staying home, we still manage to do quite a lot. What lovely photos and a nice trip on the “scenic route”. You got some great books – happy reading!

    • Thank you, Anne:)). Yes, I am now getting out a bit more. While the COVID infection rate is rising – here down in the South, it is still reasonably low. I need to resume my teaching job and I also very much want to support my fitness instructor, now she has restarted her classes. Apart from anything else, I’ve put on far too much weight and become horribly unfit!

      You certainly do get a lot done:)). And yes, I’ve still got some wonderful books to read. Have a great week!

  9. Curious to see your thoughts on The Once and Future Witches, I also want to read it but after I make some more progress on my owned-books pile.
    Your accidental detour sounds lovely, I always only get lost in dark creepy forests at night.

    • Thank you, Dianthaa – I will be reviewing it shortly as I’ve fallen horribly behind with my arcs since I was away.

      Oh dear! That doesn’t sound good – we were concerned and definitely wanted to at least reach a familiar road before it got dark. So I won’t deny we were very relieved once we reached Chichester!

  10. You have been busy this week catching up. It sounds like your trip away was wonderful with lots of long walks. I’m glad you were able to celebrate with your sister, and that you were able to do so in a safe manner.

    I’m quite curious about The Once and Future Witches and the Rick Riordan book. I have just added Once and Future Witches to my wish list, and I’m eager to see what you think about it. Rick Riordan is always a good read for me.

    Have a lovely week!

    • Thank you, Deb:)). The Rick Riordan book is a spinoff from the Percy Jackson series with a really nice premise that I really appreciated. As for The Once and Future Witches – it’s a cracking book, beautifully written and full of passion. I know you always carefully plan your reads, but if you slip either of these books onto your TBR I think you would enjoy them:))

  11. Sounds like an altogether lovely week. We’ve had some cooler weather, and that, with two whopping shots in the tops of my feet made it possible for me to walk for twenty min. outside four of the seven days–progress!
    Today I walked for 30 min., and I hope to repeat that four or five times this week. (Written on Sunday evening).

    • The injections in your feet made my toes curl – literally! But I’m delighted that you are now able to walk a distance again. And I very much hope you can get to your goal of walking 30 minutes in the coming week, Rae. Let’s hope it’s a great week on other fronts, too!

      • So far I am keeping on top of grading, so that makes a good start (for a Monday) into this week! I also made a trip to Houston (about forty minutes away) to shop at Target. That was fun. Retail therapy often helps!

      • Oh yes – I’m all for retail therapy. And good for you for keeping on top of the grading… That is always a huge concern! Hope you continue to feel better, Rae:))

  12. Your birthday visit to your sister sounds so fun. Really great her husband set that up for her. Also really nice you’ve been able to resume some of your activities and that you’ve gotten to see your daughter and grandchildren. Your time in Bexhill sounds like it was wonderful.

    I have the first book in the Elly Griffiths series, but I haven’t read it yet. I wish I read faster since there are so many wonderful books I want to read!

    Hope you have a good week, Sarah!

    • Thank you, Jan. Yes – it was lovely to see her and the family. I was shocked when I looked back to see how long it had been since I’d last seen them. And yes, I’m glad I’ve taken the decision to resume a number of my previous activities.

      And I know what you mean about all those marvellous reads stacked up and waiting for you! I need a reading clone, as well as a writing clone:)). I hope you, too, have a lovely week, Jan:)

      • Thanks, Sarah! I’m trying to keep my impatience in check until I can start reading the waiting books–and this is while I’m reading books I really enjoy!

  13. A social distance surprise party! What a fun idea!
    I’m glad you are feeling more relaxed after your break away, I hope you hold on to that feeling even though there is so much to catch up with.
    As to your image problems, I’m pretty sure we share the same basic template, and it’s not very compatible with the new block editor. I was to,d it’s best to update to a newer template but I’m loathe to do it so I’m working around things.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    • Thank you, Shelleyrae – yes, the party worked really well. In the event, I finally managed to upload the images – and when I contacted WordPress, they suggested it was my Cookies cache causing the problem. I’ll sort it out and see if it improves! I hope you, too, have a wonderful reading week:))

  14. It seems like all the blogging platforms are having image issues. So frustrating! Sounds like you had a very lovely week and how fun to do some pre-lockdown stuff. I went to a non-necessary store this weekend and it was absolute heaven! Hope you have a lovely week.

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