Friday Faceoff – …like a garden needs a flower, like a castle needs a tower… #FridayFaceoff #Brainfluffbookblog


This meme was started by Books by Proxy, whose fabulous idea was to compare UK and US book covers and decide which is we prefer. This meme is currently being nurtured by Lynn’s Book Blog and this week we get to feature our FAVOURITE FANTASY covers, so I’ve selected a series of covers which I consider to be awesome by DAW for the Green Rider series by Kristen Britain.


This edition of Green Rider was produced by DAW on 4th November, 2008. Isn’t it breathtaking? It gives me goosebumps and a zing of pleasure every time I look at it… And yes… I’m sure the title and author fonts get lost in thumbnail – in fact I know they do. But I really don’t care – because… look at that fabulous horse. Just look…


Published in on 3rd April 2004 by DAW, First Rider’s Call is the second book in this series which has again another fabulous cover, featuring another stunning piece of artwork featuring another beautiful winged horse.


This edition of the third book in the series, The High King’s Tomb, published by DAW on 6th November 2007 is another beautiful effort. Enough said, really…


Produced by DAW on 1st February 2011, this is their cover design for Blackveil – the fourth book in the series. And no – I’m not going to choose between these. I love them all…


This edition of the fifth book in the series, Mirror Sight, this time published by Gollancz on 14th March 2015, continues with more Pegasus wondrousness. I’m a bit sad that DAW, who began these awesome covers at this point reverted to something more ordinary, leaving Gollancz to continue to be the standard-bearer for these stunning examples.


And last, but by no means least, is the final book in the series, Firebrand, produced by Gollancz on 9th March 2017. Yet again, just a joy to look at… What do you think of my all-time favourite fantasy covers?


31 responses »

  1. These are stunning! I love how consistent they are throughout the series. It looks like the same artist did all of these! Wonderful choice:-)

  2. First one definitely is my favorite. A horse w wings aka Pegasus catches my attention right off. The shade of green is like the new carpet I picked out yesterday.

    • I think everything about them is fabulous – the only weak spot being the author and title fonts. But I’m prepared to give them a pass on that – because why wouldn’t you zero in on a cover like that to check it out?

  3. I adore these covers! Sadly I abandoned the series half-way through book five because I felt the plot points were just getting repeated over and over again. I gave away all the books in the series except the first one. That one remains on me favourites shelf and is always a pleasure to reread.
    x The Captain

    • Thank you, Cap! Yes… I very nearly didn’t feature these covers because I didn’t get past the third book in this series. But as it was alllll about the covers – which I truly love – I felt justified in showcasing them. I’m delighted that you love the first book so much – because it is also a firm favourite of mine:))

  4. I can’t believe I’m so far behind with my blog visiting – these covers are fantastic. An absolute visual treat, I couldn’t even begin to pick one that stands out more than the others because they all have something special about them.
    Lynn 😀

  5. My godmother’s boarded an taught riding lessons with them for years, but the few times I got on, I could not be taught. 🙂 These covers remind me why horses connect with so many of us. They’re terrifically powerful, regal, and magical even without wings. And this artist captures that–just look at those windblown manes! x

  6. I really like how the publisher managed to keep the series style consistent – something really appealing to me. And I agree, the first one *is* breathtaking. In fact, I want to scroll up and look at it again.

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